Dementie & ComfortZorg

Maandagavond 17 april 2023  —   Jo De Clercq stapt in Leuven op de trein met bestemming Rhyl in Wales (UK). Hij zal er namens Woonzorgnet-Dijleland enkele Dementie & ComfortZorg dagopleidingen geven aan een multidisciplinaire groep zorgverleners.  Zo brengen we onze strategische doelstellingen ook internationaal in de praktijk: opgebouwde expertise uitdragen en professionele netwerken uitbouwen ter inspiratie langs onze zijde.


Dit initiatief komt er dankzij Sara Thelwell, die geboeid raakte door het Turn-Only-Once (TOO) verhaal tijdens een workshop gegeven op de NBE Conference in Harrogate UK eind september vorig jaar. Sara bracht in maart dit jaar een tweedaags opvolgbezoek aan woonzorgcentrum De Wingerd en raakte er helemaal overtuigd van de persoonsgerichte benadering, het concept van kleinschalig genormaliseerd wonen voor mensen met dementie, en onze visie rond wonen, leven en zorgen.

We laten haar graag zelf aan het woord:

Last week I had the privilege to visit Jo DeClercq and his team in Belgium and experience first-hand the 24 hour posture and comfort care, and Turn Only Once personal care routine in operation within the home.
I was so impressed by the truly person centred approach and calmness that came across from staff and residents. Residents are encouraged to remain as independent as they can be regardless of their severity of their dementia. Not one resident was supported by 2 members of staff for personal care, dressing or moving and handling despite their limited ability to be involved in these tasks. Personal care and dressing was completed with the highest level of dignity, privacy and in a manner which supported the resident’s individual needs.
I was able to observe people with dementia communicating through small changes in their body posture or via a facial expression when they did not feel safe. The importance of careful observation of the resident was evident and how the care giver can adapt their approach or temporarily stop the task to enable to individual to settle.
I was able to see the impact of how the 24-hour concept works and how quickly the resident’s Paratonia returns even if one element e.g. the sleep system, isn’t put into place correctly or removed too quickly for personal care. I was able to observe that the foetal position is not inevitable and we can work to prevent it from happening.
I have been so impressed by their way of working and it would be fantastic to implement in my local authority but I also appreciate the enormity the change needed. It does needs everyone to be on board.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for welcoming me in Belgium and the time taken to demonstrate the 24 hour concept to me. I would also like to thank RCOT for funding my visit through the Innovation Award 2023.

Sara Thelwell (Occupational Therapist)

Meer informatie?

Jo De Clercq
ComfortZorg & ZorgInnovatie Expert

T: +32 467 09 97 44 | E :